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PHP Web Biometric Fingerprint Login PACK

PHP Web Biometric Fingerprint Login Software Module for integrating with PHP Web Applications

This PHP Web Biometric Fingerprint  Login and User Access Control Module Software Source Code is developed in PHP, MySQL, jQuery, HTML and JavaScript

Need Help to add Biometric Fingerprint Authentication Login / User Access Control in your PHP Software Applications? I will show you how I did it and I can Help your Company, Organisation or Institution to integrate with the same too !

What is PHP Web Biometric Fingerprint Login Module?

This is the most SimpleStraight Forward and Easy to Implement Biometric Login Software Code for a Web Application Project developed in PHP, MySQL, jQuery, HTML, MySQL and JavaScript. This is Software Consultants, Software Developers, Programmers, Web Engineers, Web Developers, Software Engineers and Coders’ Answer to adding and integrating Biometric Fingerprint Login to Web Applications and Web Projects

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Known Password Login Problems

Are passwords proving hectic to manage for your web application? Do you want users to stop sharing passwords? Are you afraid that some lower cadre employee will one day find the password for a manager’s account? Has it ever occurred to you that someone could be having the finance department’s users’ passwords? How will you help prevent loss and integrity of your data when all passwords are leaked out? What will you do when a fired employee logs in remotely into your system or shares their password with some of your employees so that they gain access to your company /organization’s data? Do you ever get worried that the locker where you have kept your written down password for reference could be broken into and your secret passwords is known to your adversaries or thugs? 

If any of the above has ever happened to you or you anticipate it could happen in your company, organization, business, clients workstations etc., it is time for you to take action and replace your User Login module with a Biometric Login module. If you are a software consultant, software developer, programmer, web engineer, web developer, software engineer or anyone who likes to have a go at coding web applications and would like to integrate Biometric Fingerprint Login to your Web Applications or Web Projects to replace Password Login, then this is the Quickest, Simple., Straight Forward and Easy way to integrate Biometric Fingerprint Passwords into your Web Application

This Web based Biometric Fingerprint Login Module will help you integrate Biometric Fingerprint Login in just a matter of a few minutes and do away with passwords immediately. You will save on development costs and development time when you get this Biometric Fingerprint Login. You will also be able to customize this Biometric Fingerprint Login to your needs and modify it as you please. The code is simple, straight forward and short so that you just concentrate on integrating it to your web application. 

Benefits of PHP Web Biometric Fingerprint Login

  1. Biometrics Provide Non Repudiation. No user can misrepresent themselves as another when they login to an information system when they pass thru a biometric vault system. Unlike passwords, biometrics cannot be shared. 
  2. Prevent data loss and uphold data integrity in information systems. Only authorized people will have access to critical modules of an information system. 
  3. Put an end to the fear and worries of forgetting passwords. 
  4. No need to write down passwords where prying eyes could find them and use them later to exploit privacy of your data or destroy it. 
  5. Prevent malicious attacks from external people who may previously have known or had access to your passwords. With biometrics, outsiders will be kept at bay and you will not need to worry about them. 
  6. Quick and fast way to login to a web system. 
  7. Biometrics are more safer to use than passwords unlike dealing with issues like lost passwords, stolen passwords or shared passwords. 
  8. Biometrics provide more levels of data security than passwords as biometric systems logins can be easily regulated and audited. 
  9. Biometric Logins prevent system malpractices that would have otherwise gone unnoticed or blamed on unsuspecting system users. 
  10. Use of Biometrics in systems’ login imposes a requirement of accountability among system users. Users will feel they are held responsible for all their actions and this will make them uphold their integrity morals. This is good for business and everyone else in a service level industry.

PHP Web Biometric Fingerprint Login Main Modules

This is a state of the art (modern) web based biometric fingerprint clocking software system for your Employees’ Registration and Verification Process that gives you the following benefits ; 

  1. User Registration 
  2. Edit User Particulars 
  3. User Roles 
  4. Manage Users 
  5. About Us 
  6. Log Off 
  7. Login 
  8. Home 

User Registration

Before a User can be able to login into an information software system, they first need to be registered into the system. This module Biometrically Registers the User. A System User is required to provide the following; 

  1. First Name 
  2. Second Name 
  3. Staff Number 
  4. Enroll two (2) Biometric Fingerprints

programmer can scale up this Biometric Fingerprint User Registration Module to add more input fields that capture more information about the User as they deem necessary. I currently capture three fields and 2 fingerprints for simplicity. 

Once User details have been captured, they are saved into the Biometric Fingerprint Login module’s MySQL database. Software developers who get this module can integrate it with any RDBMs database like Oracle, MSSQL, PostgreSQL or any other. I used MySQL as it is free and has no limitations on licenses whatsoever. You too can get MySQL for free from 

See below screenshot for User Registration Module 

PHP Web Biometric Login’s Fingerprint Registration panel

Edit User Particulars

Sometimes after Biometric Fingerprint User Registration has been completed, it is later noted that there was a spelling mistake on a User’s name or Staff Number or a Registered fingerprint has an injury. Edit User Particulars sole purpose is to help you correct those anomalies. 

Edit User Particulars helps you address mistakes previously done during User Registration and also helps you re-register a User’s fingerprints again. To retrieve a previous User, type part of full Staff Number that was entered together with their details during registration into ‘Search Staff Number’ field. The system will automatically retrieve the User Details and fill the other fields with the User Particulars. Proceed to Edit the Fields as is required and re-capture user fingerprints again then save by clicking ‘Submit Edited Details’. That’s all. 

The Editable Input fields are; 

Edit User Particulars module makes it painless for you to edit a previously registered user details. It is even more interesting in that the said User will have to be there when their details are being edited so that they can verify them and re-enter their fingerprints again as a sign that they were present and agreed to the new changes to their User Details. 

Biometric Fingerprint Login is painless and the Administrator is in full control of any changes pertinent to User Details and Fingerprints unlike the case of a Biometric Password Login System

See Screenshots below for Edit User Particulars 

PHP Web Biometric Login – User Particulars Edit panel

User Roles

Different system users have different levels of system access and roles which they are granted to expedite their tasks in an Information System. Users in management are allowed to see reports which other employees may not be allowed to see. A User with limited rights on a Software System is not authorized to carry out Administrative tasks like make new Registrations or Edit Staff Particulars in an Information System. 

User Roles Module allows you to tick check boxes to Authorize System Roles or Uncheck to deny them rights to access certain System’s Roles. Once you get this module you can edit these roles from the system’s database, add new roles or remove roles as you may deem necessary for implementing your Biometric User Login. Having these roles in database makes it easy to manage User Roles and adding any new roles when more levels of user regulation are required by an organization. 

See screenshots below.

Edit User Roles in PHP Web Biometric Login

Manage Users

There are those instances when a User needs to be denied access to all the system functionalities including login rights to a system irrespective of whatever roles they have rights to in an information system. Possible scenario are like when a User ceases to be an employee of an organization or they are temporarily not authorized to carry out any operations in a system. In such scenarios, the Manage Users Module comes in handy as it allows the management to Suspend the user either for good or temporarily. Manage UsersModule allows for Activating a User who had been previously Suspended if the Organization decides to reinstate them or stop denying them access to the system. 

Manage Users shows in a tabular form Users who are Suspended and those who are Active

The System gives the User an option to either Suspend User or Activate User from the Action Column. If a user is suspended, the adjacent Action Column to the right will have a green clickable Activate User link and if a User is Active, the adjacent Action Column to the right will have a red clickable Suspend User link. 

See screenshots below for Suspended Users and Activated Users.

Activate or Suspend Users in PHP Web Biometrics Login Software Module

About Us

The About Us when clicked redirects you to my Website where you can view other Biometric Software Source Codes you can get for your developing Biometric Solutions or integrate with your existing Software Solutions. 

Log Off

When you want to Log Off from the System, clicking Log Off signs you out of the system and sends you to Biometric Login Page.


Login is the main entry point for any system. In Biometric Fingerprint Login module, a Biometric Registered User presents their fingerprint for Authentication. If they are successfully verified, they get redirected to the Home Page. If a user is not Biometrically Verified at Login, the system does nothing. It never logs them in. The system will only Login only Biometrically Fingerprint Registered Users. 

When a User clicks Log Off, the System redirects them to Login Page. 

Login Page is the Vault that prevents non authorized users from using a Software System and grants User Rights only to Registered and Verified Users. 

See Screenshots below for Login

Login panel for PHP Web Biometrics
After placing Finger on Fingerprint Scanner during Login on PHP Web Biometrics


This is the page that Biometrically verified Users are directed to. 

Software developers who get this module can decide to redirect successful fingerprint logins elsewhere or build upon this Home Page. 

See screenshot below for Home Page showing the first page as is seen by a user who has successfully logged into the system. 

This code is easy to integrate and adopt into existing systems and for new software systems. An average programmer will add / integrate biometric fingerprints into their web application and web projects in less than 15 minutes. 

After Successful login in PHP Web Biometrics Software

Technologies used to develop PHP Web Biometric Fingerprint Login Module

Biometric Fingerprint Login is developed using a Multi-Tier architecture. The system was constructed to use 3-Tier Architecture to allow for scalability and independent handling of the various components of each tier. 

The Biometric Fingerprint Login module’s structured architecture consisted of Presentation, Application and Data layers. 

In Presentation layer, JQuery, HTML, CSS and JavaScript was used to implement form components for capturing a User’s particulars, capturing of fingerprints, displaying of user particulars. 

The Application layer handles the application logic including fingerprint identification and validations performed in Biometric Fingerprint Login. (Php programming language handles most of the application logic on the server side). 

The Data layer performs functions related to data saving and retrieval for purposes of registrations, identifications and reporting. The back-end database is MySQL though the programmer can decide to change this to a database of their choice e.g. Oracle, MSSQL, PostgreSQL or any other.

Web Browsers Supported

This Web Biometric Fingerprint Login Module supports Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10, 11 

Good News! There are multiple ways to run Web Projects and Web Applications you have integrated with this Web Biometric Fingerprint Login Module in your favorite web browser. One of those ways is by using IE Tab (commercial), Fire IE (free) or by getting any other web browser extensions that allow running of ActiveX on other web browsers other than Internet Explorer in Windows to run this Web Biometric Fingerprint Module in Firefox, Chrome etc. 

Initially you may have been limited to only Internet Explorer to run ActiveX controls for Fingerprint Authentication and Registrationbut thanks to the many Web Browser Extensions today that can be installed to client web browsers, the dream of running fingerprint authentication and registration to Chrome and Firefox and other Web Browsers is now possible.

Database Back-end (MySQL)

See Screenshot Below for User SQL Table with Biometrically Registered Users,

MySQL Table showing Biometrically Registered Users

See Screenshot Below for System Modules SQL Table for this Biometric User Management Module 
Programmer can decide to use these modules as they are or modify or add more to manage his / her developed system

MySQL Table showing System Modules and space for more System Modules that Users can be granted rights to access

Biometric Fingerprint API and Fingerprint Reader Scanner

See Screenshot Below for User SQL Table with Biometrically Registered Users 

To use and develop this Web Biometric Fingerprint Login Module you will require one / any of the following Fingerprint Reader devices 
Digitalpersona 4000 Fingerprint Reader 
Digitalpersona 4000B Fingerprint Reader 
Digitalpersona 4500 Fingerprint Reader 
Digitalpersona 5100 Fingerprint Reader 
Digitalpersona 5160 Fingerprint Reader 
Digitalpersona 5300 Fingerprint Reader

When you buy Biometric Fingerprint Login Software Code, it will come with a Fingerprint SDK API that talks to any of the above Fingerprint Reader Scanners. You will be able to deploy your web application to as many PCs, workstations and computers as you want once you buy Biometric Fingerprint Login Module software source code from us. There are no restrictions I will impose to limit you whatsoever on where to install, integrate or deploy it. 

No yearly License Renewal charges. Once you buy the ‘.”‘web fingerprint integration’ “.’module I will give you a Fingerprint SDK Runtime environment that you can distribute as much as you want to where you deploy your applications and use it for as long as you want. 

No SDK License Limitations on Many Computers (Use SDK Runtime I give you for as many Computers as you want. No Limitations!) 

No SDK License Limitations on Many Fingerprint Readers (Use SDK Runtime I give you for as many Fingerprint Readers as you want. No Limitations!) 

There are no other charges you pay or will ever be required to pay once you pay to download the ‘.”‘Web based Biometric Fingerprint Login’ “.’software source code module. 

Get this source code now and use it in developing Biometric Fingerprint Login for your PHP Web Applications. I have made it easy for you by developing the Biometric Fingerprint Login Software Source Code and availing the Source Code for you so that you concentrate your mind on selling and looking for clients of your finished Finished Software Systems

PHP Web Browser based Biometric Login
Joseph Mwema’s Email Address and YouTube Channel’s QR Code

Why Order and Integrate your PHP Web Application with PHP Web Biometric Fingerprint Login Module?

Here is what you Get and your value Gain ;

  1. PHP Web Browser based Biometric Authentication controlled User Login Module Software + PHP Software Code
    You Get PHP Web Browser based Biometric Authentication controlled User Login Module Software + Software Code when you Order for this module.
  2. FREE Developer API / Runtime SDKGuides
    You also Get for FREE, Developer Guides in PDF
  3. FREE 30 Days / 1 Month Developer and Integration Support
    I will offer you FREE Developer and Integration Support and see to it that you Successfully integrate your PHP Web Software Application with PHP Web Browser based Biometric Authentication controlled User Login Module.
  4. FREE Developer PHP API / Runtime SDK
    When you order the module, you get Runtime SDK too for FREE.
  5. No SDK License Monthly or Yearly Renewal charges.
    Once you Buy the PHP Web Biometric Fingerprint Authentication controlled User Login module, I will give you an SDK Runtime environment that will NOT tie you to MANDATORY monthly or yearly renewal charges for you to continue using it. I DO NOT and WILL NOT ask you for either monthly or yearly SDK License renewal charges. You will FREELY use it as long as you want for years to come. This is my Guarantee to you.
  6. No SDK License Limitations for use with Many Client Computers 
    Use SDK with as many Client Computers in your Organisation / Company as you need. I DO NOT and WILL NOT impose any License Limitation whatsoever tied to number of  Client Computers an Organisation / Company chooses to use! The price you pay is for Server Computer Only. If you want to use and deploy it on n number of computers, multiply quoted price with n number of servers. This is my Guarantee to you.
  7. No SDK License Limitations for use with Many Fingerprint Readers 
    Use SDK with as many Fingerprint Readers and Scanners in your Organisation / Company as you need. I DO NOT and WILL NOT impose any License Limitation whatsoever tied to number of Fingerprint Readers and Scanners an Organisation / Company chooses to use! This is my Guarantee to you.
  8. Reduce Biometrics Software Development Time and Effort by over 95% ! 
    PHP Web Browser based Biometric Authentication controlled User Login Software Module is an easy and simple to use Plug and Play Software Code Component that you add into your existing and new PHP Web Application Software Code. You Get to Quickly turn around your project after integrating with it to add Biometrics Fingerprint Authentication into your PHP Web Software.
  9. No Guess Work any more or taking chances with Multiple Finger Scanners and Fingerprint Softwares that do not work! 
    Get PHP Web Biometric Authentication controlled User Login Module and FREE up yourself Headaches and Trauma of sourcing, spending and implementing solutions that do not seamlessly integrate with your infrastructure, Operating Systems and PHP Web Software Applications
  10. There are no Hidden Charges you will ever be Required to Pay 
    There are no other hidden obligations or fees you will later discover that you have to pay for, after you order PHP Web Biometric Fingerprint Authentication controlled User Login Software module. You will get all the above and if you want me to help you with anything else besides what I am offering you together with the module, I am always willing and ready to assist you. I have a Developer and Integration Support Service for clients interested in enlisting for Extended Developer and Integration Support where they can subscribe for Unique Project(s) consultancy services.

Your options on how to use this PHP Web Browser based Biometric Fingerprint Login Software Source Code are limitless and they can go as far as your creative mind as a Software Developer can think and innovate. Get this code module and use it to implement those ideas you have always had about implementing a Web Application / Web Project with Biometric Fingerprint Login.

Talk to me if you need to seek any clarification about this Software PHP Web Browser based Biometric Fingerprint Login + its Software Code on the E-mail address below.

Interested in using Smart Cards for Biometrics Verification? Here is a PHP Web Biometric Smart Card Integration that I worked on recently and implemented with PHP Web which does Biometric Registration and Biometric Authentication. See video DEMO here below.

Some of the Clients who have Ordered and Integrated with Jomutech Systems’ Biometric PACKs

PHP Web based Biometric Fingerprint User Managment Login Developer and Integration for your PHP Application + 1 Server License + 1 FREE Month(s) of Integrated PHP Web Biometric Login System Support is going for USD $9998 only.

GUARANTEE. Your Money BACK if this Biometric solution does NOT work!

Why Jomutech Systems?

Why choose Jomutech as your Biometrics Integration partner
Joseph Mwema’s Email Address and YouTube Channel’s QR Code
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