Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App implemented with ARATEK A800 USB Fingerprint Scanner
Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App implemented with ARATEK A800 USB Fingerprint Scanner

This is a Blog Post about an Android based Patient Biometric Registration App that I Developed in the Flutter framework using an ARATEK A800 Fingerprint Scanner.

Towards the very end of this Blog Post is the Video Demo and Screenshots of the Patient Biometric Registration App that I Developed.

I have wanted in the past to do a Patient Biometric Registration and Authentication App that runs on Mobile platforms but I had not made up my mind on what Mobile App development Technology to use.

This is because I was undecided on what Technology to use among the following Mobile App Development Platforms that is .NET MAUI, Avalonia and Flutter amongst many others.

What Mobile App development Technology does your team use to develop Mobile Apps for your Organization, Company, Institution?

Are there preferences that you have for one Technology over the other?

To start with, I wanted to be able to Capture, Enroll and Authenticate Biometric Fingerprints of a Patient from a Mobile Phone App using an External USB Biometric Reader Device like the ARATEK A800 Fingerprint Scanner.

You may ask, why choose an External USB Biometric Reader instead of an onboard Fingerprint Scanner that comes with a mobile phone?

Follow thru this post and I will tell you why in a short while!

There are lots of limitations towards using a conventional Mobile Phone’s onboard factory shipped Fingerprint Scanner if you want to use your Mobile Phone App to Enroll, Capture and Authenticate Biometric Fingerprints of many Patients from a Single Mobile Phone e.g. at a Hospital setup.

Also, Fingerprints from a Mobile Phone’s Fingerprint Scanner CANNOT be Transferred to another Device.

For instance, you CANNOT transfer Fingerprints captured by a Phone’s Fingerprints Scanner from a Mobile Phone to a Remote Server for Archiving.

This means that you CANNOT save Fingerprints that you Capture with your Phone’s Finger Scanner for use in future for Patient Biometric Verification.

Hey, before we get started, let me first share with you the motivation that drove me to develop this App.

Motivation for Developing the Patient Biometric Registration App

I wanted to create a Patient Biometric Registration App that could be used instead of a Computer in Resource Limited settings.

I was thinking of a Patient Biometric Registration App that would be useful in rural Kenya, Africa settings that could simplify Onboarding and Verifying Patients under a Healthcare scheme before allowing them to access Healthcare services at a Medical Service Provider.

In my country Kenya, Africa we have places that struggle to get Regular and Consistent Internet connection and Electricity supply.

The Medical Service Providers in these places e.g. Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Dispensaries, Clinics and Private Consultant Doctors sometimes struggle to leverage on Modern day Technology that is powered by Internet and Electricity to be able to provide Quality Healthcare Service to their Patients.

In scenarios where Electricity is not always available or is generated locally by the Medical Service Provider using a Generator, it is only logical that Electricity is only used in Critical Life saving Medical equipment than it being used on other less critical Electrical appliances like e.g. Computers for Registering and Verifying Patients.

Mobile Phones paired with External USB Fingerprint Scanners like the ARATEK A800 Biometric Scanners could do the heavy Lifting for these Computers for such Energy Resource intensive Tasks that are less critical to a less equipped rural Kenya hospital.

Similarly, there would be no need for having Servers physically located at the Hospital premises as the Patient Biometric Registration App can save the Patient Biometric Data to remote Servers or even in the Cloud.

There are many such Hospitals all over Kenya that struggle to stay connected to reliable internet connection and their services are frequently interrupted by intermittent Electricity Power supply.  

These are the Medical Service Providers that I had in mind when developing this Patient Biometric Registration App.

Let me show you the Advantages of using a Mobile Phone over a Computer for Patient Biometric Registration tasks at Hospitals with limited resources e.g. in some parts of rural Kenya, Africa.

Advantages of using a Mobile Phone Device for Patient Biometric Registration as Compared to using a Computer

The following are the Pros of implementing Patient Biometric Registration solutions that are run on Android Mobile Devices as compared to those that run on Desktop Computers;

  • Cost: Mobile Phones are cheaper to acquire as compared to computers
  • Electricity: Mobile Phones can last a long time with a single charge unlike computers which require consistent Power Supply to remain operational. Also, Mobile Phones can be charged by Batteries and other Power sources that are not expensive to setup e.g. Solar Powered Mobile Phone chargers
  • Portability: Mobile Phones can be moved around with ease. They can even be brought to the patients whose mobility is incapacitated by illness or injury. The same cannot be said about computers.
  • Software Applications: Simple Mobile Phones that run on platforms like Android are easy to develop Software Applications for nowadays. Myself for example was able to develop this Patient Biometric Registration Software Application for Android Mobile Phones. So just like Computers, it is now possible to develop Mobile Phone tailored Software Applications.
  • Maintenance: Unlike Computers which require regular and expensive upgrades, updates and maintenance to keep them going, Mobile Phones like Android devices will work with their Factory default Operating System (OS) software for a long time without need of updates. So is the case for their physical internal components like memory, storage space and many other of their internal peripherals which do not require occasional upgrades to keep them functional
  • USB Device Support: Mobile Phones with USB ports ( most phones have them for use with their charger )  also support interfacing with other USB devices e.g. a USB keyboard, a USB Mouse, a USB cooling fan, a USB Smart Card Reader etc. and will also work with USB Biometric Scanners like the ARATEK A800 Fingerprints Scanner just the same way that computers do

Those are One Too Many Advantages of using a Mobile Phone as a Replacement for a Computer up there! What the heck!

That’s where I stop with the Advantages. Let me take a pause right there before I turn this Post into a sales Pitch for Android Mobile Phones!

Years ago Mobile Phones were basically useful for Making Calls, Receiving Calls, Sending and Receiving SMS Messages and setting an Alarm to wake you up.

Nowadays they do much more than that and we can almost do just about everything that we do on Computers on simple Android Phones.

Just to clarify, when I say Mobile Phones in this Blog Post, I am referring to Android Mobile devices alone.

I am NOT talking about iPhones but rather Android powered Mobile devices. 

Considering that I have never owned an iPhone nor developed an App that runs on an iPhone.

I cannot fathom owning an expensive iPhone Mobile device then one day the device decides to slip off from my hand and make a dive for the concrete floor!

Woah! Woah!

How about the thought of an iPhone sliding from a raised platform like a Table and making a dash for the floor?

Woah! Woah!

I wonder if it would remain in one piece afterwards because that loss is unquantifiable and unimaginable in my simplistic way of seeing and comparing things in regards to how much they cost!

The cost of a single iPhone is equivalent to several other high end Android Phones where I could designate one Android phone for developing Java Apps, another one for .NET MAUI Apps, another one for Flutter Apps, another for developing React Native Apps etc.

My current Android Phone has survived such mishaps in the past and still remained functional for me to continue using it afterwards.

I think my Android Phone was a Brick in its previous life because just like a CAT, it survives just about every other CATastrophy that befalls it.

Who knows, it could survive a Terrorist Bomb attack too!

It may also not crack if smashed with a rudimentary blunt object.

I wouldn’t dream of tempting fate by smashing it with anything. I love it so much and it has helped me develop many Android Apps using various Technologies.

I have only one Android Phone that works with the USB Fingerprint Scanners that I connect to it.

The other one, a very old Nokia Phone, has a USB port that is only useful for charging the Phone and does NOT work with any other external USB Devices NOT even a USB Mouse.

Funny how this post somehow turned into a discussion about my Phones. Anyway, I Digress!

Let us continue with the Patient Biometric Registration App topic before I lose trail of my thoughts for this Blog Post.

As I mentioned earlier, I implemented this Patient Biometric Registration App using the ARATEK A800 Fingerprint Scanner.

The Fingerprint Scanner: ARATEK A800

ARATEK A800 Fingerprint Scanner for Patient Biometric Capture and Enrollment
ARATEK A800 Fingerprint Scanner for Patient Biometric Capture and Enrollment

The ARATEK A800 Fingerprint Scanner is a FAP 45 FBI certified Fingerprint Scanner from the Biometrics and Identity Management solutions provider called ARATEK Biometrics.

Why Choose the ARATEK A800 Fingerprint Scanner for Biometric Patient Registration in a Flutter Android App?

The following are the Benefits of using the ARATEK A800 Fingerprint Scanner for the Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App.

  • The ARATEK A800 Biometric Scanner does NOT need extra cables to power it on. The USB cable that it uses for relaying Biometric Data captured from Fingerprints is the same one that it uses for Powering it up in Computers as well as in Android Phones
  • The ARATEK A800 can Capture and Enroll 2 Flat Fingers in one Slap as well as Capture Rolled Fingers. In my case, I implemented 2 Fingerprints Capture and Enrollment from every one of the Patient’s Hands to Build a Secure and a Tamper-Proof Patient Biometric ID Flutter App for Android Mobile Devices
  • The ARATEK A800 supports Android Mobile Devices. It can be integrated with just about any Android Phone that allows for pairing with External USB Devices.
  • The ARATEK A800 is Portable and Light Weight. In the Pictures it may appear as a Bulky Device but it is NOT heavy. It can also fit in one hand as you hold it and extend it to a Patient to scan their Fingers on it.
  • The ARATEK A800 has an LED light that Helps you to know the Status of the Finger Capture process. It goes Green if Finger Capture was Successful and goes Red to show you that Finger Capture Failed.
  • The ARATEK API / SDK Software provided by the company ARATEK Biometrics for integrating the ARATEK A800 with other Software Applications whether for Windows, Linux or Android is Simple and Easy to use. It is also Well Documented and Easy to Follow Thru when reading it during integrations.
  • The ARATEK A800 has a wide Platen area (see green area on scanner above) that lights up Green in color when in use. This Platen provides enough space to Capture 2 Flat Fingers. The Platen area is also large enough to Roll a Finger from one side to the other to Get all the Fingerprint Patterns on that Finger. This is Vital for e.g. National ID Registration Software Applications or for Law Enforcement Software Applications.

I know I did justice for the ARATEK A800 Fingerprint Scanner. This was the first FAP45 FBI certified Biometric Scanner that I ever integrated with.

If you are interested in learning more about How ARATEK Biometrics‘ Scanners are used in driving HealthCare Technology, take a look at this Blog Post here Biometrics in Healthcare: More Than Just Security.

I just realized that there’s something I promised you at the start of this Blog Post!

Now that I am telling you about the ARATEK A800 Biometric Scanner, I may as well as tell you why you CANNOT use an Android Phone’s Fingerprint Scanner for other functions like in our case, for Patient Biometric Registration.

The 3 Reasons why you CANNOT use the Android Phone Device’s Onboard Fingerprint Scanner for Patient Biometric Registration

Here is why you CANNOT use the onboard Fingerprint Scanner on an Android Phone for Capturing Fingerprints for other use cases apart for Phone Owner’s Verification only.

  • The onboard Fingerprint Scanner does NOT Capture and Display the Fingerprint image.
  • The onboard Fingerprint Scanner does NOT Capture and Archive the Fingerprint in a Retrievable form that can be accessed by other 3rd party Software apart from the Android OS and Applications that access it via a Controlled API by the Android OS.
  • The onboard Fingerprint Scanner is only Designed for the sole purpose of the Android Phone Owner’s Verification only so it CANNOT be used for Capturing Fingerprints of Many other Persons

Choosing the Technology to use for Developing the Patient Registration App

Now let us get into how I developed the Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App. Are you ready?

At one Point, I lost a computer while at it and had to find another computer to continue and finish developing the Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App.

I will be telling you how this happened shortly so hang in there as I fill you in on the other related series of events that led up to this.

A few days before Christmas 2024, I made up the decision to develop the Patient Biometric Registration App using Flutter.

I already knew that I would use the ARATEK A800 Fingerprint Scanner for Biometric Capture and Enrollment but was not yet decided on what Technology to use.

My focus was now set on using a more recent Mobile App Development Technology such as .NET MAUI, Avalonia, or Flutter with no intention of using either Java nor Kotlin.

Previous Biometric projects that I had undertaken with .NET MAUI had taken so much of my time as I sometimes struggled to get simple things to work on .NET MAUI.

As you may already know, no problem if you do not because I will explain why, the .NET MAUI is new and there are things that are still at their infancy which do not work well e.g. swapping an image with another for example when a Fingerprint Scanner captures another fingerprint image from the same Finger.

Because of these quirks that I knew about and the others that I did not know about that lurked in the waiting as time bombs in .NET MAUI, I decided to give .NET MAUI a pass for this project.

I then explored the option of developing the App in Avalonia but on further reading I noted that Avalonia is not yet cut out for developing Mobile Apps but is rather more ready and tailored for developing Desktop Apps.

Having ruled out .NET MAUI and Avalonia, I settled for Flutter.

I get an Adrenaline kick from doing Projects in Programming Languages and Technologies that I have never used before so that I can learn on the job.

This was the case with Flutter framework. It was now clear in my mind that I will learn Flutter as I develop the App.

There was so much buzz among the developer circles on internet about Flutter that it was hard to ignore it.

Developing the Patient Biometric Registration App in Flutter was going to be my moment of reckoning.

Was I really ready for it?

I cannot say I was ready apart from knowing that I had the ARATEK A800 Fingerprint Scanner available at my disposal at that time.

Thereafter, I started looking up information on internet about what IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) I could possibly consider for using to develop my Flutter App.

Choosing an IDE for Developing Patient Biometric Registration App

I did not know that one could develop their Flutter App on AS (Android Studio) IDE.

That hit me as a surprise! Though in a good way!

I dread developing stuff on VS Code (Visual Studio Code) IDE and yet it was the most recommended IDE for developing Flutter Apps.

I like dedicated platforms not just general platforms that lend themselves to just about any coding work for any Programming language like VS Code IDE does.

VS Code is good and I have used it before but I am the type of a person who will use VS (Microsoft Visual Studio) IDE for .NET projects, NetBeans IDE for Java projects and PyCharm IDE for Python projects and now in this case, Android Studio for Flutter Mobile App.

I hope you get the flow now?

So I was elated to find out that I could use AS (Android Studio) IDE to develop Flutter Apps.

I quickly looked up information on internet about how to get started with Android Studio IDE to develop Flutter App Projects.

For starters, I already had Android Studio installed in my Developer Computer thought it had been a while since I used it.

Actually it had been years since I did anything on Android Studio.

I installed Dart (Programming Language upon which Flutter frame work is based upon) as a perquisite for developing my Flutter App then installed Flutter framework in my Android studio IDE.

I thought that was all I had to do to get prepped up to start developing the Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App but boy I was wrong!

When I tried to create a new Flutter App on Android Studio, the IDE was showing me ungodly errors that my uninitiated mind could not decipher.

I copied one of the errors from the IDE console and dumped it on Google search.

To put it simply, I realized that my Android Studio was an old edition that was not ready for developing Flutter Apps.

I had installed this version of Android Studio IDE way back in year 2021.

I proceeded to uninstall it and download a new Android Studio IDE (Ladybug).

The LadyBug version of Android Studio is currently the latest stable version of this IDE as of January 2025 when I am writing this Blog Post.

Developing the Patient Biometric Registration App in Flutter on Android Studio IDE

With the new Android Studio installed, I set out to start work on developing my first ever Flutter App, the Patient Biometric Registration App.

This however was not without encountering the following Errors with the Android Studio IDE at the very onset which I resolved and moved on swiftly. They are;

While developing the Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App, I got to learn more about Flutter itself as a Platform for developing Android Mobile Applications.

I learnt how to do the following in Flutter;

  • How to Uniquely identify Widgets: I learnt how to use keys to differentiate e.g. Left Fingerprint image from Right Fingerprint image so that I do not end up updating one instead of the other.
  • How to display GIF images in Flutter: There is that GIF image that I display while the Fingerprint Scanner is scanning Fingerprint images before it displays the captured Fingerprint image. See Photos towards the very end of this Blog Post
  • How to grant USB permission to allow a USB device to work in Flutter: I had to figure out this to make the ARATEK A800 Fingerprint Scanner which is a USB device to work in my Flutter App.
  • How to Fix Dart issues: There were a myriad of Dart issues that threw me odd curves that I do not know what I would have done about them had there not been ChatGPT and Gemini within reach. God bless the founding Fathers of AI and the Mothers too. You see, I am gender sensitive! You are my witness before anyone starts throwing stones at me.

These are just a few out of the many things that I learnt while developing this Flutter App.

Can you believe that today was the first time I looked up on internet the difference between the words learnt and learned.

To my surprise, I have just determined that they all have the same meaning and that learned is US English and that learnt is British English!

This is the same way that I randomly remember music tracks that I heard / listened to years ago when I was a kid and then decide to look up their lyrics on internet now that we have internet in our mobile phones today, like this particular track here, Putting up Resistance by Beres Hammond.

During my last year of Primary school education, while in Standard 8 (This is the last year of Primary school before one goes to enroll for the first year in Secondary school in the Kenyan education system of my time, back in the days. Now we have a new Education system in the country) and in one of those English lessons, an English teacher raised a sh8t storm in class that embarrassed me in front of the whole class.

Kids in my class laughed at me when I used learned instead of learnt in an accent when I was asked to come up with an English sentence that uses the past tense of the English verb learn.

That English Teacher was an English grammar nazzy!

Later on I learnt or is it learned that she went on to further her studies in English and English Literature and earned a PhD.

I do not know why I recalled that incident that happened many years ago. It reminds me of how I detested her English lessons. Hahaa!

In my country Kenya, we have common sayings that serve as excuses to console someone when English embarrasses them in public such as when they have a Slip of the Tongue, Have an Accent that gets in the way of How they Say some English Words, Mispronounce a Common English Word or make a glaring Grammar Mistake that CANNOT be undone, no matter how many times they try to correct it.

We usually laugh it off and say, English is alien to us and that it came to Africa by ship or this other one which cracks me up every single time I hear it, The Quality of your English is determined by how far your home is from England.

Maybe we still find this funny because we have not yet Decolonized our Minds as a People many years after the British Colonialists left our country. This reminds me that there is a Book that I should plan to Buy and Read called, Decolonizing the African mind by Chinweizu

Forget about my English struggles and my English teacher for now and let me remind you about something that I mentioned earlier.

Do you remember earlier on I told you that at some point while developing the Patient Biometric Registration App that I lost my Computer?

My Development Computer Experienced a Hardware issue and Stopped Working

A week before writing this Blog Post, the Computer that I was developing the Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App malfunctioned.

It happened on one of those days when I was feeling rather distracted and out of tune with the work ahead of me.

I like working on Projects that I love when I am feeling inspired and excited to solve something on that day.

The day before, I had solved issues about USB permissions for my ARATEK A800 Fingerprint Scanner on Flutter code and my whole body was asking for rest.

When I could no longer force myself to continue working, I decided to hop onto YouTube to find something interesting to watch when I saw a video from a YouTuber that I follow which piqued my curiosity.

I had just clicked on the YouTube video and started watching it when my Computer screen’s display turned black!

I have one of those old school computer screens that flickers off and on once in a while as I work but then it does not take it more than 2 seconds for it to restore back my view whenever this happens.

More than 2 seconds later, I began to think maybe the Electricity had gone AWOL on me but then the other Electrical appliances around me and on my workstation were still working fine.

I was wondering what could have happened when I realized that I could not hear the roar of my CPU!

The CPU was silent but a USB LED light that lights up my workstation area that is powered by my CPU was still on.

I Tapped my Computer Keyboard and moved my mouse around thinking that I could have unintentionally put my Computer on Sleep Mode but nothing happened.

I was hoping that by doing this, it would wake up and roar back to life.

I pushed my seat back and stood up to look at my computer from a distance.

I removed my antiglare glasses and put them aside. I wonder how this would have helped with anything! Hahaa!

When I realized that I could not figure out what was happening, I turned off the Power buttons on the Power Extension and Pulled off the Plugs of my Computer that were connected to the Power Extension.

The USB light went off at this time!

After about 5 minutes, I Plugged in the Plugs and Powered on the Power Extension then pressed the Power button of my CPU.

The Computer did not respond!

I told myself that perhaps I had pressed it lightly and that I needed to push the Power button in more forcefully.

I tried again! Nothing!

I tried again once more but still nothing happened! The Computer did NOT power on!

I was beginning to lose my nerve at this point!

I thought about removing the CMOS battery and Powering on the Computer without the CMOS battery.

Maybe it will Power on with the correct default settings without the CMOS battery present I thought!

That too did not help with anything!

To cut the long story short, I later diagnosed that the power unit of my CPU was dead.

That computer is resting in a shelf without the main hard disk minus some of its RAM modules which I transferred to another standby computer that I always kept as a fall back plan.

The Good news is that the hard disk from the dead machine was able to work in the standby computer after I repaired its boot sequence with Grub2 boot disk.

I was even more excited when I found out that my Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App and Android Studio worked fine in the fallback computer.

To get the fallback computer to working condition took me almost 2 days.

I am glad to have a working computer right now but I know that I need to make arrangements to buy another platform and even buy a replacement Power unit of the other computer.

Have you ever found yourself in a similar circumstance? How did you handle it?

Were you ever in doubt about the reliability and quality of your backed up data?

I usually endeavor to buy and work with Computers of the same brand and model if possible so that I can cannibalize spare parts from the same models if need be and not have my work stalled for a malfunctioned machine.

I wonder whether you too ascribe to the same school of thought?

How best do you mitigate such like eventualities?

Finishing work on the Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App on another Computer

With a functional computer now booting from my other computer’s hard drive, I embarked on completing the Flutter App development.

Things had gone bananas with my other computer before I could figure out how to display the captured Fingerprint images in an image memory widget in the Flutter App.

I worked on that bit and finished it.

At the end I could display Left Hand Fingers captured by the ARATEK A800 to the Left image widget and Right Hand Fingers to the Right image widget.

I completed other pending tasks and when I had tested the Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App and confirmed that it was working fine as I had envisioned it, I proceeded to create a YouTube video demo for it.

Check out this Video Demo here on this URL Patient Biometric Registration Android App developed in Flutter using ARATEK A800 Finger Scanner.

YouTube player

Let me know what you think about the Patient Biometric Flutter App video in the comments section of the YouTube video or you could even send me an email and share your feedback with me.

Here below are screenshots of the Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App that I implemented using the ARATEK A800 Biometric Fingerprint Scanner.

Screenshots of Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App

Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App icon
Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App icon
Tapping Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App icon
Tapping Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App icon
Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App requesting USB Access Permission for ARATEK A800 USB Fingerprint Scanner
Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App requesting USB Access Permission for ARATEK A800 USB Fingerprint Scanner
Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App with ARATEK A800 USB Fingerprint Scanner
Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App with ARATEK A800 USB Fingerprint Scanner
Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App info
Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App info
Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App Additional Information
Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App Additional Information
Patient Biometric Flutter App Front Page GUI
Patient Biometric Flutter App Front Page GUI
Tapping Patient Biometric Registration Button to Start Flutter App
Tapping Patient Biometric Registration Button to Start Flutter App
Patient Biometric Registration Data Entry Fields Part 1
Patient Biometric Registration Data Entry Fields Part 1
Patient Biometric Registration Data Entry Fields Part 2
Patient Biometric Registration Data Entry Fields Part 2
Patient Biometric Registration Data Entry Fields Part 3 for Capturing and Enrolling Biometric Fingerprints
Patient Biometric Registration Data Entry Fields Part 3 for Capturing and Enrolling Biometric Fingerprints
Adding Patient Data Particulars in the input Fields of the Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App
Adding Patient Data Particulars in the input Fields of the Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App
Starting Left Fingers Capture and Enrollment in Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App
Starting Left Fingers Capture and Enrollment in Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App
Starting Right Fingers Capture and Enrollment in Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App
Starting Right Fingers Capture and Enrollment in Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App
Left Fingers Capture and Enrollment using ARATEK A800 Fingerprint Scanner in Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App
Left Fingers Capture and Enrollment using ARATEK A800 Fingerprint Scanner in Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App
Right Fingers Capture and Enrollment using ARATEK A800 Fingerprint Scanner in Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App
Right Fingers Capture and Enrollment using ARATEK A800 Fingerprint Scanner in Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App
Submitting Registered Patient Data and Enrolled Patient Biometric Fingerprint Data in the Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App.png
Submitting Registered Patient Data and Enrolled Patient Biometric Fingerprint Data in the Patient Biometric Registration Flutter App.png
Patient Particulars and Biometrics Data Successfully Submitted
Patient Particulars and Biometrics Data Successfully Submitted

Need Help integrating the ARATEK A800 Fingerprint Scanner or any other Biometric Scanner in your New or Existing Software Application?

I can Help you!

Write to me on the E-mail Address below or rather; check out the Services and Prices that I offer People like You, Companies, Organizations and SMEs for Biometric integrations on my official website here

Joseph Mwema's Email Address and YouTube Channel's QR Code
Joseph Mwema’s Email Address and YouTube Channel’s QR Code

Other Biometric Integrations that I have implemented in the Past

Would you like to learn about what Biometric Fingerprint SDKs that you could consider to Buy and use them to implement your Enterprises Back-End Authentication? Check out this Blog Post that I wrote here Biometric Fingerprint SDKs for Enterprises Back-End Authentication.

Some of the Companies, Organizations and Institutions that I have helped to integrate Biometrics in their Software Applications

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