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Linux Biometric Authentication Support for your Server

If you are looking for Linux Biometric Authentication Server Support, this is where you belong. Here you will Get Premium Support to Help you with Setting Up, Implementing, Deploying and Developing Biometric Authentication for your Software Application on a Linux Biometric Authentication Server Back-end.

Linux Biometric Authentication Server Support at Jomutech Systems

By the way, just in case you may be looking for a way to add Biometric Authentication to a PHP Web Browser based Application hosted on a Linux Box, check out the PHP Linux Biometric Authentication solution I Developed and Help Companies and Organisations integrate with.

Having previously served in the capacity of a DevOps Engineer I had a taste of particular variants of Linux distros over others.

There are those Linux distros that you love so much such that if you get assigned any task to do on a Linux box your first choice is that specific Linux distro.

In my case it is CentOS Linux. I recommend CentOS Linux to any client seeking to implement a Linux Biometric Authentication Server.

Before I start heaping praises on CentOS Linux and why I prefer it for all my Biometrics projects set to run on Linux, let me tell you how I got to fall for this Linux distro.

Since my college years and into my career years, I have tinkered and implemented Software Solutions with lots of Linux distros including various versions of Ubuntu, Mandriva, Knoppix, SUSE, PC Linux OS, Fedora, Oracle Linux, RedHat and CentOS.

I later on found that there are those Linux distros that are best suited and sought after for stability, reliability, security and ease of support.

These days, college kids and novel Linux users (…let’s stack them up together in one bunch and collectively refer to them all as a bunch of Nix Green Horns …) are engrossed with Linux distros like Kali Linux, Ubuntu and anything where they can playback *mp3, *mp4, *.avi or any media files.

You will occasionally see them Nix Green Horns ask questions on tech forums like, “How do I hack Fcaebook with Kali Linux?”  

Nix Green Horns champs have these unfounded beliefs that their beloved Kali Linux OS and their Computing gear can hack and ping a Fighter Jet in the skies, peek around North Cornea computers that run Nuclear sites or nose around Naca servers.


If you want to momentarily cause a stir and ruin Nix Green Horns fantasies, trash all they have ever heard about their favorite Linux distro and see for yourself as younglings attempt to prove hearsay or something they have ever done before.

If one or some of them demonstrate to you how they have ever breached security vaults on a company, industry or institution server with their favorite Linux distro, do not be surprised!

A Biometrics Authentication Server can be run on any Linux distro that has prequalifying OS features but trust me you will need to be sure that the said Linux distro guarantees you stability, reliability, security and ease of support.

Do not assume anything to do with Security when choosing your ideal Linux Biometric Authentication Server.

Otherwise, after Nix Green Horns have miserably failed at their attempts of getting past security vaults of well secured Company or Industry servers, they will want to have a go at your Windows Biometric Authentication Server or poorly implemented Linux Biometric Authentication Server.

Do not give them a party!

Take precaution and plan to deploy your Linux Biometric Authentication Server on a Linux distro that guarantees you stability, reliability, security and ease of support.

A Linux Biometric Authentication Server implemented and Deployed with Security in mind not only prevents Nix Green Horns from poking around your Linux box but also keeps Hackers and Adversaries at bay.

A well secured Linux Biometric Authentication Support for your Server gives you a peace of mind and a stable and reliable server that is easy to manage. You will not need to worry about external attacks or internal attacks.

Having tried a variety of Linux distros and versions, I found that there are preferred choices of Linux distros for Production Servers.

This however did not come out automatically, it was thru trial and error and via elimination method.

Sometimes your favorite Linux distro fails at a task and you quickly realize that you are going to have to side step it lest the same predicament you encountered before repeats itself and risk either losing your job or end up implementing a backend server that cannot support your business operations.

There were those times I would advise my bosses against a particular Linux distro because for them it was just choosing a random distro and imposing it on you either because they loved the theme or user interface but they were not privy at all to other details about it that mattered most to qualify it for an ideal server side operating system.

Choosing a Linux OS Distro for a Linux Biometric Authentication Server Back end

Here is an example. If your boss tosses at you an Ubuntu CD and asks you to setup a Linux Server with LAMPP stack, Python at a client site where you know they have a very slow internet connection, you get to know from the very onset that the odds have been cast against you.

Your average Ubuntu CD is a Linux skeleton for a mere user to check e-mails, send e-mails, Facebook, carry out word processing and few other little things. To bring up an Ubuntu installation to the level of a Linux Server with an RDBMs, Web Server, Programming IDE you will have to embark on a rigorous upgrade exercise which requires a fast internet and stable internet connection.

If the same boss had given you CentOS 7.5 Linux distro DVD to go and install a LAMPP stack, Java, Netbeans, Mariadb and another RDBMs at the same client with slow internet connection, you would be least worried and would be psyched up to go clear that task and even have an estimated time of completion because you know that the CentOS 7.5 Linux distro DVD is full-fledged and has most of the items you are required to go and install unlike the Ubuntu CD.

This does not mean that I have never implemented and deployed an Ubuntu Biometric Server. I did!

Hospital Linux Biometric Authentication Server Back end

Some years ago, a Doctor who runs a private hospital who wanted to implement a Biometric Patient Authentication feature enlisted for my expertise.

Seeing from how things were run at the Hospital, I figured out that the end solution could end up getting deployed at a random computer either in his office or one of the computers at the reception.

I personally did not consider having a Biometrics solution on a random Windows computer where any tom dick and harry could lay their hands on would be a safe bet.

The Doctor, the owner of the Hospital did not seem to put so much thought into the security of the Computer which would ultimately run the Biometric Patient Authentication Software Application.

I suggested to him that the Biometric Patient Authentication would require a dedicated Linux Server Computer that runs on Linux. Of course it could run on Windows but it would not survive their work environment.

I told him that if he gave me one clean computer I would install Linux on it and make a Linux Server out of it.

They did not have a dedicated in-house IT team or IT person.

They had subcontracted their IT services to another company.

This company was not even informed about the new Web Biometric Authentication Application for Biometric Patient Authentication that was being brought onboard.

There’s was to occasionally send someone to check out their computers and maybe bring new replacements and repair the ones that had malfunctioned.

In a day or two they brought me a clean computer with no Operating System just as I had requested.

I installed Ubuntu on it because that was the only Linux distro I had at hand at that time in a very far town from the capital where internet speeds were worry some.

The Hospital did not have a stable fast internet connection either. I thought of calling up a friend in the capital to download for me a copy of Fedora Linux or CentOS Linux then burn it on a DVD and courier it to me but that would also take a considerable number of days for It to get delivered.

I decided to make do with what I had.

I gradually build up and patched the Ubuntu box Linux installation to the server setup I wanted over a few days both day and night when the internet speeds would be a little bit faster.

The Doctor had secured my colleague and I an accommodation at the Hospital Staff Quarters. There were some houses that were unoccupied. Those houses became our habitat for some days.

Imagine spending days and nights at the hospital not as a patient or someone who works there but as a healthy person? That was my colleague and I for some days.

There was no way we were going to decline that offer. Hotel Rooms around cost an arm and a leg because that was a tourist town by the shores of Indian Ocean.

I must thank the Doctor for his kind gesture because the neighborhood town was charging much for a room leave alone for 2 rooms and the project was beginning to take more days than we had anticipated.

Anyway, I soon got to bring up the Ubuntu Server to meet the prerequisite requirements for the Linux Biometric Server I wanted after running updates and fixing needed dependencies over the Hospital’s slow internet connection.

When the Ubuntu Linux Biometric Server was ready, we installed and configured the box in readiness for getting deployed as Biometric Server.

We even requested for a RAM memory upgrade. We were given another computer from which we sourced an extra RAM memory stick for the Linux Biometric Server.

We then installed the Biometric API, deployed the Web Biometric Patient Authentication solution on the Apache Web Server in the Ubuntu Linux Server and served the Application across all the Client Computers where it would be used in the Hospital.

We tested the Web Biometric Patient Authentication solution on Client Computers and just before we could train their Hospital staff, the Doctor requested us if we could liaise with the Developer from the company that had developed their HMIS (Hospital Management Information System) who happened to have traveled to the hospital from the capital for routine maintenance and support so that we could integrate the two software applications together.

We integrated the two systems together in a day and their HMIS was now prompting for Biometric Authnetication upon patient visits. New Patients had to have their Figngerprints enrolled and exisiting ones would be required to have their Fingerprints enrolled because the HMIS would now prompt for Biometric Authentication to retrieve Patient Number before processing a Patient Visit.

In this case I used Ubuntu Linux for Biometric Authentication but if I had access to a CentOS, Fedora, Oracle Linux or RedHat Linux distro, that is what I would have used instead.

Linux Biometric Authentication Server Back-end Support

If you want to have a Linux Biometric Authentication Server for your Server Back-end, I will Help you setup Linux for that.

You can choose any Linux but I would suggest you go for CentOS, Oracle Linux, RedHat or SLES Linux distros.

You can also consider Gentoo but I would not move with much speed or motivation if you choose the Gentoo Linux OS platform as I do not have any love for it. The guy who made me get to know about Gentoo Linux was a guy who was using it on a government project we were helping them with when we got to meet for the first time at an Organization that I was previously working at. I won’t mention the name of that Organization here. He made out with a girl I was getting close at. A girl I was falling for! A girl that I had established such a good rapport with from the first day I joined this Organization! We were getting somewhere, then this abrupt temporary Government project that was supposed to get hosted at our Organization happened! Simply because our work place had facilities that could host the Government project with many attendees, then this Gentoo guy! Aaargh! and his Gentoo Linux vodoo and voila! My girl gone like that! Maybe I was not Gentoo (gentle) enough! Whatever!

If you have been keen and observant enough, you will have already noticed that other Linux distros don penguin icons, logos and images, Gentoo has these logos, icons and picture trademarks that resemble a purple and white colored heart. I still do not know how those purple Gentoo hearts and the Gentoo ninja’s vodoo worked on my miss delighted and swept her off her feet!

Other Linux distro versions have a logo or have images and pictures of penguins, tux mascot in their themes like this one here below.

Linux Tux Mascot

But for some unknown reason, Gentoo has a Purple Heart. Here below is the Gentoo Purple Heart Logo that jinxed up my woman

Gentoo Linux

If only Gentoo Linux had a logo of a Spider instead of a Purple Heart! Like the one shown below. You know How Girls detest spiders?
That would have been an awesome deterrence by itself!

Gentoo Linux Logo, Girlfriend Deterrence version

Back to you now! Forget about Gentoo for a moment.

Now, if you want to enlist for Biometric Support in setting up a Linux Biometric Authentication Server for PHP, Java, Python or Web Biometric Authentication, I will be glad to Help you get it right the first time!  

If you are looking for a ready solution to integrate Biometric Authentication for a PHP Web Brower based Application running on Linux, check out this PHP Linux Biometric Authentication solution

You can consult me to Help you with your Linux Biometric Authentication Server. My consulting starting fees start from USD $999. I love challenges pertaining to Biometric Authentication and will get you a solution somehow that works on your preferred Linux Operating System platform.

As soon as you book your 1 month online consulting by processing your payment below, I will be on your case like glue. Support is online based and Software Solutions will be delivered to you online as well for you to download them.

Some of the Clients who I have Helped to integrate Biometrics into their Existing Software Systems

Hey, that’s all!  Hope this Helps! You can reach me on the below e-mail.

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