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JavaFX Biometric Class Attendance Register

This JavaFX Biometric Class Attendance is Developed in Java, JavaFX and MySQL. Reporting is done in PHP and JavaScript and is thus displayed in Web Browser

Students Check OUT Reports Module Code

Unique Selling Proposition

The purpose of JavaFX Biometric Class Attendance Register is to assist your school to keep track of all students’ school attendance and provision an easy way to generate reports as soon and when they are required by school administration. 

How JavaFX Biometric Class Attendance Register Works

  1. Pupils / students report to school or class 
  2. Pupil / Student presents their fingerprint for authorization on Biometric School / Class Attendance Register system. 
  3. Pupil / Student’s arrival to school or class’ date and time is captured in Biometric School / Class Attendance Register system.
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Benefits of using JavaFX Biometric Class Attendance Register

Java Biometrics Class Attendance Register

JavaFX Biometric Class Attendance Register Software Source Code in JavaFX 8 and Java

Read more about this Biometrics Application Software Source Code here Biometric Class Attendance Software. The module works with Crossmatch‘s UareU Fingerprint Reader Scanners (the best in the market). They are; 

This Source Code consists of the following modules; 

Login Module Code

Java Biometric Login

This Login module source code is developed wholly in JavaFX 8 and Java on Netbeans 8.0 using Java SDK 8 

This module allows an Administrator of the JavaFX Biometric Class Attendance to login by entering their username and password. The username and the password are archived in Biometric Class Attendance System’s MySQL database. The password is hashedout before it is saved into the MySQL database. 

Once the Administrator of the Biometric Class Attendance System logs in, they can perform the following administrative tasks which include; 
1. Registering fingerprints of students in Biometric Class Attendance. 
2. Supervise Check In and Check Out of Students in Biometric Class Attendance. 
3. View checked In to school Report. 
4. View checked out of school Report. 

JavaFX Biometric Class Attendance Register’s Desk Module Code

Biometric Student Fingerprint Registration Desk Module Code

This JavaFX Biometric Class Attendance Register‘s Desk module source code is developed fully in JavaFX 8 and Java on Netbeans 8.0 using Java SDK 8

To access this module, on the Biometric Class Attendance System, the user clicks on the menu bar at Registration. This module has the following features

i. It captures the following student’s information during Biometric Student Fingerprint Registration. They are ; 

ii. It has a Time Clock in AM/PM showing current hour, minute and second. The clock ticks away as the seconds go by. The administrators of the Biometric Class Attendance System and students are always made aware of the current time. 

iii. It has an Enroll Fingerprint button which triggers Enrollment of two (2) fingerprint templates from a student’s fingerprints. 

iv. It has a Save Student’s Particulars button. The significance of this button is to save the student’s data to the Biometric Class Attendance System’s MySQL database. 

Biometric Student Fingerprint Registration Desk Module Code

Biometric Student Fingerprint Registration Desk Module Code

This Biometric Student Fingerprint Registration Desk module source code is developed fully in JavaFX 8 and Java on Netbeans 8.0using Java SDK 8

To access this module, on the Biometric Class Attendance System, the user clicks on the menu bar at Registration. This module has the following features

i). It captures the following student’s information during Biometric Student Fingerprint Registration. They are ; 

ii). It has a Time Clock in AM/PM showing current hour, minute and second. The clock ticks away as the seconds go by. The administrators of the Biometric Student Track System and students are always made aware of the current time. 

iii). It has an Enroll Fingerprint button which triggers Enrollment of two (2) fingerprint templates from a student’s fingerprints. 

iv). It has a Save Student’s Particulars button. The significance of this button is to save the student’s data to the Biometric Class Attendance System’s MySQL database. 

Biometric Student Check In / Out Desk Module Code

Biometric Student Check In / Out Desk Module Code

This Biometric Student Check In /Out Desk module source code is developed fully in JavaFX 8 and Java on Netbeans 8.0 using Java SDK 8

To access this module, on the Biometric Class Attendance System, the user clicks on the menu bar at Authentication and then selects Student Check In / Out option. 

The significant role of Biometric Student Check In /Out Desk module is; 

i. Identify students on Biometric Class Attendance System and show Student’s particulars once they place their fingerprint on the Biometric Fingerprint Reader. When a student places their fingerprint on Biometric Fingerprint Reader, they are biometrically identified and their student names, parent’s names, parent’s email, parent’s cellphone number and their admission number are shown onBiometric Student Check In /Out Desk

ii. Capture Check In Time for Students in School’s Biometric Class Attendance System

iii. Capture Check Out Time of Students in Biometric Student Track School’s Biometric Class Attendance System

iv. Time Clock in AM/ PM. This clock is shown on Biometric Student Check In /Out Desk to enable Administrator and Student to know the time a student is Clocking IN or Clocking OUT of School. 

v. Refresh Button. This button allows the Administrator of the system to clear fields of the student’s particulars to either identify another student or clock in a student or clock out a student or simply to just reset this panel afresh. 

Biometric Time Clock Showing either AM/PM Module Code

This Time Clock module source code is developed fully in JavaFX 8 and Java on Netbeans 8.0 using Java SDK 8

The significant role of Biometric Student Check In /Out Desk module is; 

Biometric Time Clock Showing either AM/PM Module Code

This Time Clock module source code is developed fully in JavaFX 8 and Java on Netbeans 8.0 using Java SDK 8
The significant role of Biometric Student Check In /Out Desk module is; 

Students Check IN Reports Module Code

Students Check IN Reports Module Code

This Students Check IN Report module source code is developed fully in PHP, HTML, MySQL and called in via JavaFX’s 8 advanced WebView feature in Biometric School / Class Attendance Software System

This report shows; 

The Software Developer can customize these reports with ease to suit the situation they have at hand. 

Significance of this Report; 

  1. This report can be shared with Parents / Guardians of students. 
  2. Good for information and tracking students reporting dates and times at school. 
  3. Can be used for analyzing and correlation with other school data.
Students Check OUT Reports Module Code

Students Check OUT Reports Module Code

This Students Check OUT Report module source code is developed fully in PHP, HTML, MySQL and called in via JavaFX’s 8 advanced WebView feature in Biometric Class Attendance System

This report shows; 

  1. Date and Time Reports are Generated 
  2. Admission Number, Student Name and Parents Cellphone Numbers. 
  3. Address of the school 
  4. Email and Telephone of School 

The developer can customize these reports with ease to suit the situation they have at hand. 

Significance of this Report; 

  1. These reports can be shared with Parents / Guardians of students 
  2. Good for information and tracking students departure dates and times from school 
  3. Can be used for analyzing and correlation with other school data 

Get this source code now and use it in developing school based systems. We have made it easy for you by developing the Biometric School / Class Attendance System source code for you so that you concentrate your mind on selling and looking for clients of your finished School System.

Biometric School / Class Attendance System

How do you WIN when you GET this JavaFX Biometric Class Attendance System

  1. Biometric Class Attendance System source code can be built and used as it is. 
  2. Be among the first to develop Biometric Fingerprint Registration and Authencation software code using JavaFX 8 Code. 
  3. Easy, Simple to Learn and Simple to Use Biometric Fingerprint Class Attendance JavaFX 8 Code developed using Java 8
  4. Save Coding Time! Save Money! Save costs of hiring! Save yourself headaches of managing personnel developing code for you. 
  5. Short turnaround time for adding Biometric Fingerprint Authentication to your existing and new Java Applications. 
  6. JavaFx IDE and Java 8 is Free (Netbeans 8.0 and Java are Free) and we will give you Fingerprint SDK Runtime Free (Free Fingerprint Runtime SDK!). 
  7. Fingerprint SDK Runtime License has NO LIMITATION on number of Computers used. 
  8. Fingerprint SDK Runtime License has NO LIMITATION on number of Fingerprint Readers used. 
  9. You can also integrate this source code into your existing code. 
  10. You need NOT hire a software developer to sit at your premises for over 3 months to develop this piece of code (you will only need a developer for 3 – 5 days to integrate this piece of code into your existing systems if need be and this is less costly on your side. You will not dent your pockets) 
  11. You will have saved yourself a lot of money, man working hours, pain of searching for a long term developer, time and pain of developing this student fingerprint tracking system with registration and verification features. 
  12. Give your clients best Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) using JavaFX technology. We all know how JavaFX saved the reputation of Java when they allowed developers to separate GUI issues from the main code logic of a Java application. This is themost notable and elegant thing that Oracle Java gave to the Java Developers community. With JavaFX you can give your clients (buyers of your application) the most sleek and out of this word graphical user interfaces without affecting negatively an application’s main logic functionality. 
  13. Time Clock Module for showing Current Time in HH:MM:ss AM/PM 
  14. Easy and simple to implement reporting code module in Php, HTML, MySQL. With JavaFX’s WebView feature you can call an HTML page in your JavaFX 8 application.

Your options on how to use this code are limitless. We are putting into your amour of code snippets a capable gun. It’s your turn now as a Software Developer to think of and come up with innovate ideas that require biometric fingerprint authentication within a school or learning institution and use this piece of code for that. 

What other Biometric Integrations have you done with other types of Biometric Scanners from other Companies apart from this JavaFX Biometric Class Attendance Software ?

Finding it Challenging to add Biometrics into your Software Application and Would like to Enlist for my Expertise to Help you with Biometrics Integration?

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