HTML5 Web Browser Based Biometric Fingerprint Authentication Software Module Pack for Developing and Integrating Biometrics Fingerprint Enrollment and Authentication in ALL HTML5 Supported Web Browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Edge, Internet Explorer 10and Internet Explorer 11 for Software Projects Developed in PHP, ASP.NET, Vue.js, Node.JS, ReactJS, Python, HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery and Java
( A very extensible, scalable and fast HTML5 web biometric software integration pack that supports many web browsers and web technologies. Best for service line industries for ‘touch and go’ fingerprint authentication tasks. )
Should you be looking for a Robust, Light weight and Super-fast PHP Web Biometric Authentication solution to integrate with your PHP and Laravel Web Application, take a look at and order PHP Web Biometric Authentication Gold PACK.

Forget all the problems you ever had before while integrating biometric fingerprint enrolment, identification and verification into web browser applications, this solution works!
This is your best bet as a Web Project Manager, Software Development Manager, Chief Technology Officer, IT Manager etc. No guess work any more or taking chances with Multiple Developers! This is what you have been looking for and this is the module that works on all your favorite Web Browsers. Beat those delivery time lines and meet user expectations decisively.

Biometric Fingerprint Authentication Technology on Web
This is the HTML5 Web Browser Fingerprint Authentication Module Software Code you find and stop at for that ideal solution that works flawlessly, seamlessly and smoothly across multiple web browser platforms on internet today. It is such that you can integrateit with Web Applications developed with the following Server Side Scripting Languages. That is PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, JSP, Perl, Ruby on Rails, Python etc.
This HTML5 Web Browser Fingerprint Authentication Module Software Code will help you to quickly and efficiently implement Fingerprint Authentication to your Web Applications and Web Projects within a matter of just a few minutes. Isn’t this awesome?
Brief Introduction
One of the most daunting tasks with Identification and Verification of Persons over the Web is the Evident absence of Reliable and Trusted Security Vaults from the Conventional Validation Procedures we have repeatedly used like Passwords, PIN numbers and Security Access Codes. With the advent of modern technologies, Biometric Fingerprint Technology is now Computerized and the possibility of biometrically identifying a person online is today an achievable feat.
Our HTML5 Web Browser Fingerprint Authentication Module is one Adorable, Reliable and Viable Software Solutions that alleviates this problem for Organisations, Companies and SMEs. This HTML5 Web Browser Biometric Fingerprint Authentication Module facilitates Easy, Seamless and Smooth Integration of Biometric Fingerprints Authentication Features into a Web Application.
Fingerprint Registration and Fingerprint Authentication is done via Fingerprint Authentication Technology incorporated in a Web Application’s Web page which then Communicates with the Hardware Interface of a Fingerprint Reader / Scanner attached to your Client’s Computer. Fingerprint Data archived in Electronic Digital format is archived in a Computer Server’s Database for Future Purposes of Person’s Fingerprint Authentication.
Background Information
When I was Beginning to Develop Biometric Fingerprint Software Solutions for Web, I was so unaware about the many Caveats that I had to get behind my past before I could ever have a Web Application that could perform Fingerprint Enrollment and Fingerprint Authentication on a Web Browser. First, there is an army of web security moralists who yell at the top of mountains that performing Fingerprint Authentication on Web is not Secure.
They demonize anything about Biometrics on Web ( maybe they are right!). I believe in finding a solution to a problem even if takes long. Unfortunately, thanks to their persistent charades and chants I decided to take a break to reflect on whether pursuing Biometric Authentication on Web was worthwhile.
I wasted quite sometime putting things on hold. As the days went by, I started getting requests from clients who inquired whether I could help them integrate Biometric Fingerprint Registration and Authentication into their Hospital Management Information Systems. I had somehow got bought by the naysayers that Biometric Fingerprint Authentication on Web is not Safe and were also passing the same message across to our Clients as well.
One day after reviewing several previous requests for Biometric Fingerprint Integration into Clients Web Applications I decided to get back at it again. I was by then developing Biometric Fingerprint Authentication Softwares for Standalone applications. I then developed a Web Browser based Biometric Fingerprint Authentication Module that I used to integrate to many of my Clients’ Web Browser based Applications.
I recommended Linux Servers and Microsoft Server Operating Systems for Database Back-ends and these types of setups worked out very Well. I was not taking chances on matters security based on the ‘why Biometrics cannot work on web browsers’ chants of the many Web Security Moralists I met.
I have always recommended to our clients to encrypt fingerprint data before saving it to their databases and insisted on Clients implementing optimum secure network connections where they run their Web Browser based Biometric Fingerprint Authentication Applications. In as much as I thought the Web Security Moralists were impeding obstacles towards our adventures with Biometrics Authentication on Web Platforms, this set a precedence for us to put into consideration best practices that help in implementing secure Biometric applications that run on Web.
I advise you do the same. We are entering into the era of Internet of Things (IOT) and matters security have to be dealt with decisively. Reliable and Secure Software Solutions have to be Developed and made Dependable for Safe use of Online applications, Online Money Transacting, Online Data Sharing etc. Biometric Authentication is one of those promising avenues that can be relied upon for access control and foolproof identification of individuals accessing online resources.
This module may not be the bullet proof that suffices in all scenarios but it is a Step in the right direction that is reliable, dependable, a gun you can adopt, polish, improve on, build upon and integrate into your existing armor of Web Security vaults.
This module incorporated together with your other web security features, procedures and policies can help you keep the bad guys at bay, control levels of user access in web applications better than passwords and for once give you a peace of mind. You can even take leave days off to go and relax after you deploy this module while business operations run smoothly and independently.
Question 1:
Can HTML5 communicate with peripherals like scanners and credit card readers?

Question 2:
Are there any ways to integrate fingerprint biometrics on HTML5 or Javascript?

Question 3:
Biometric fingerprints for logging into a website?

Question 4:
How can I capture and recognise user signatures using HTML5 and JS?

Question 5:
Can I use a fingerprint scanner on my website?

Question 6:
Fingerprint authentication for php web app

Question 7:
How i can integrate fingerprint scanning device in a PHP application?

Answer to the above Questions
The GOOD NEWS is that it can be done. I have done it and You too can do it.
Can you develop a ‘Biometric Fingerprint Recognition’ application using PHP, MySQL, ASP.NET, MSSQL, Javascript, JQuery and HTML?
Answer: Yes!
Can you develop a ‘Biometric Fingerprint Recognition’ application using PHP, Javascript, JQuery and HTML then run it only on one (1) PC, workstation or Laptop?
Answer: Yes!
Key Features:
- Person Registration sub module (for fingerprint enrollment)
- Person Identification sub module (for fingerprint authentication)
- Person Verification sub module (for fingerprint authentication)
- MySQL back-end database (MySQL database restoration script)
- Web Technologies Used (Server side scripting code done in PHP and Client side scripting code done in HTML, CSS, Javascript)
1. Person Registration module (fingerprint enrollment) pictures
Person Particulars Captured. Ready to Start Enrolling their Fingerprints

Person Particulars Captured. Enrolling their First (1st) Fingerprint

Person Particulars Captured. First (1st) Fingerprint Enrolled. Enrolling Second (2nd) Fingerprint

Person Particulars Captured. Second (2nd) Fingerprint Enrolled. Click Save button to save Person Particulars and Fingerprints to Database

2. Person Identification module (fingerprint authentication) pictures
Ready to Identify Person. Place Finger on Scanner to perform Identification

Fingerprint MATCHED thus Person Fingerprint Identification is SUCCESSFUL. Person Name : Joseph Mwema Social Security Number (SSN) : XY015MIL is thus SUCCESSFULLY Retrieved from Database

Fingerprint NOT MATCHED. Either WRONG FINGER USED for Person Fingerprint Identification or PERSON PARTICULARS DO NOT EXIST in Database

Server Error during Fingerprint Identification. This could happen if the Client Computer peforming cannot access the server performing identification either because of a network outage on the server or the client computer is off the network. No debugging is required, just make sure the server is up and running and that the network connections are OK. Check also that nothing is choking up the network. It could also happen when there is a loopback in the LAN or your network.

3. Person Verification module (fingerprint authentication) pictures
Ready to Verify Person. Place Finger on Scanner to perform Verification

Fingerprint MATCHED thus Person Fingerprint Verification is SUCCESSFUL. Person Name : Joseph Mwema Social Security Number (SSN) : XY015MIL Successfully Retrieved from Database

Fingerprint NOT MATCHED. Either WRONG FINGER USED for Person Fingerprint Verification or WRONG PERSON NUMBERassociated with Person being Verified (XY015MIL55 does not exist in database but only XY015MIL exists in database and is the Social Security Number (SSN) NO for Joseph Mwema. The other Cause of Verification to Fail could be because PERSON PARTICULARS DO NOT EXIST in Database

Server Error during Fingerprint Verification. This could happen if the Client Computer peforming cannot access the server performing Verification either because of a network outage on the server or the client computer is off the network. No debugging is required, just make sure the server is up and running and that the network connections are OK. Check also that nothing is choking up the network. It could also happen when there is a loopback in the LAN or your network.

4. MySQL Database and Table with Person Particulars and Fingerprint Data
The Biometric Fingerprint Database for HTML5 Web Biometric Fingerprint Authentication Module is web_browser_fp_module.
The Biometric Table for HTML5 Web Biometric Fingerprint Authentication Module is employees.
e_id is an INT data type with AUTO_INCREMENT (Identity column uniquely identifying a row)
empno is a VARCHAR data type of length 50 (This column is the Primary Key and it also Saves Social Security Number (SSN))
name is a VARCHAR data type of length 50 (Saves Person’s First Name and Surname after concatenating them together)
f_no1 is an INT data type of length 11 (Saves Person’s Finger NO for Left Palm e.g 7 for Left Index)
fptemplate1 is a VARCHAR data type of length 5000 (Saves Person’s Fingerprint Data for Left Palm e.g. Data for Finger 7, that is Left Index)
f_no2 is an INT data type of length 11 (Saves Person’s Finger NO for Right Palm e.g 4 for Right Index and 4 for Right Index)
fptemplate2 is a VARCHAR data type of length 5000 (Saves Person’s Fingerprint Data for Right Palm e.g. Data for Finger 4, that is Right Index)
date_created is a TIMESTAMP data type of length (Saves Staff’s Telephone Number)
The MySQL Database Restoration script you get inside the download package consists of this column entities and you can create your table using these fields or choose to add these columns to an existing table in your database or even decide to add more columns to it to suit your business case need.
The columns data types are already set for you so that you do not have to figure out or struggle trying to find out what data types and size to use. When You are developing or integrating your application, you can make a preference for any database e.g. Oracle, MSSQL, PostgreSQL or any other SQL based RDBMS but this module is currently implemented in MySQL for proof of concept.
Note that as a programmer, you can add other fields into the table as it is or create new tables or improvise existing tables in other databases as is deemed necessary for your application project.
Programming is mad fun if you choose to do it your own way not just following everything to the dot like you a sheep (…joke!). However, if you succeed to convince yourself that you are stuck and you need help, remember ☛ Coding is easy if help is a click button away
MySQL Biometric Fingerprint Database and Description of Table Structure

Person’s Particulars Biometric Fingerprint Table View
Data entries in the field entities fptemplate1 and fptemplate2 has been obscured intentionally to guarantee data privacy of its fingerprint bearers. Besides those I work with, one of the volunteers who helped with triaging this HTML5 Web Biometric Fingerprint Authentication Module is my wife ( lol.. !) why am I even telling you this? She is not a front end developer but she very good with writing algorithms and testing use cases.

5. WEB TECHNOLOGIES used to develop HTML5 Web Biometric Fingerprint Authentication Module
This HTML5 Web Browser Fingerprint Authentication Module is built upon a 3 Tier Architecture. It has been developed using the following Web Technologies
Client Side
- HTML 5
- JavaScript (Uses jQuery, Ajax, es6-shim, bootstrap)
Server Side
Screenshot of an excerpt from Server Side Code in HTML5 Web Biometric Fingerprint Authentication Module

The Client Side Code always runs on the Client’s Computer front end ONLY on Microsoft Windows Computers.
It is possible to host the Database for HTML5 Web Biometric Fingerprint Authentication Module in a Linux, Solaris Server or any other Operating System that comes packaged with MySQL Database or one where you can install MySQL Database. It is important to note that considerable amount of space must be made available for gradual growth of MySQL database inside an Operating System’s Disk Capacity.
Screenshot of an excerpt from Client Side Code in HTML5 Web Biometric Fingerprint Authentication Module

Setting up and Deploying HTML5 Web Biometric Fingerprint Authentication Module after Integration

Who is HTML5 Web Browser Fingerprint Authentication Module best suited for?
- Chief Technology Officers
- Web Project Managers
- Software Engineering Managers
- Software Development Managers
- Software Integrations Managers
- Software Solutions Managers
- Senior Full Stack Developers
- Senior Web Developers
- Senior Web Solutions Engineers
- Senior Software Integrations Architects
- Senior Programmers
- Senior Software Developers
- Senior Software Engineers
- Senior Software Solutions Architects
OPERATING SYSTEMS suitable for running HTML5 Web Browser Fingerprint Authentication Module
The following Operating Systems are the best recommended for running HTML5 Web Browser Fingerprint Authentication Module on Client Computers as they are modern and still receive technical support from Microsoft. It is also possible to install HTML5 Compliant Web Browsers on them which are required for running this module.
- Microsoft Windows 7 (32 / 64 bit)
- Microsoft Windows 8 (32 / 64 bit)
- Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32 / 64 bit)
- Microsoft Windows 10 (32 / 64 bit)
WEB BROWSERS suitable for running HTML5 Web Browser Fingerprint Authentication Module
Most modern Web Browsers use support HTML5. Chances are that if you downloaded your Web Browser in the last 3 or 4 years ago it supports HTML5 features. These include Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera, Internet Explorer, Edge. Check out these Web Browsers which support HTML5 features. You will also see their Scores. Below is a list of Web Browsers and their versions that support HTML5 features.
NOTE:No particular Web Browser supports ALL HTML5 features as of now, Web Browser Developers are catching up with the required set standards for HTML5. Soon we will get there but just make sure at least you have the latest version of your Web Browser installed on your Client Computer though some recent old versions will still work just fine. In the case of Internet Explorer, make sure you have Internet Explorer 10 and above. Internet Explorer 9 and below are all bad news.
- Chrome 30, 40, 45, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58
- Opera 12.10, 30, 37, 45
- Firefox 30, 35, 40, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53
- Edge 12, 13, 14, 15
- Safari 8.0, 9.0, 9.1, 10.0, 10.1 (Windows)
- Internet Explorer 10, 11
FINGERPRINT READERS / SCANNERS that will work with our HTML5 Web Browser Fingerprint Authentication Module
To use HTML5 Web Browser Fingerprint Authentication Module on Client Computers to have any one of the following Fingerprint Readers / Scanners.
- Digitalpersona 4500 Finger Reader
- Digitalpersona 5100 Finger Reader
- Digitalpersona 5160 Finger Reader (NOTE: This device does not work in 64 bit Operating Systems but works on 32 bit)
- Digitalpersona 5300 Finger Reader
- Eikon Touch 510
- Eikon Touch 710
Take not that DigitalPersona 4000 and DigitalPersona 4000B will NOT work with HTML5 Web Biometric Authentication pack.
How do you Benefit and Gain Value from Ordering and Integrating HTML5 Web Browser Fingerprint Authentication Module in your Web Application?
You WIN when you purchase HTML5 Web Browser Fingerprint Authentication Module. This Module gives you all you require to Seamlessly, Painlessly and Smoothly Integrate Biometric Fingerprint Authentication into a Modern Web Browser of your choice. This module just sets you free and takes away all your Web Browser based Biometric Fingerprint Authentication Problems. See how else I make your coding experience to be adorable and enviable;
- You will Integrate Biometrics Fingerprint Authentication into your Web Application in just a matter of few minutes! (30 minutes)
- You will be able to deploy your integrated Web Application to as many Client PCs, Laptops, Workstations and Computers as you have once you buy the HTML5 Web Fingerprint Authentication Module. There are no restrictions I impose to limit you whatsoever on where to install, integrate or deploy it on your Client Computers. The price you pay is for Server Computer Only. If you want to use and deploy it on n number of computers, multiply quoted price with n number of servers or write us an e-mail to ask for a discounted price for more than 2 server computers.
- There are no No yearly License Renewal charges. Once you buy the HTML5 Web Fingerprint Authentication Module, I will give you an SDK Runtime environment that you can install to as many Client Computers you want to deploy your applications and use it on those Client Computers for as long as you want.
- There are no No SDK License Limitations on Many Computers (Use SDK I give you for as many Client Computers as you want. No Limitation!
- There are no No SDK License Limitations on Many Fingerprint Readers (Use SDK that I will give you for as many Fingerprint Readers as you want on your Client Computers. No Limitation!
- There are No other Charges you will ever be required to pay after you pay to download the HTML5 Web Browser Fingerprint Authentication Module.
Convinced? So, what’s holding you back? Waiting for your Competition to get wind of it? Trust me you better not wait! Get this HTML5 Web Fingerprint Authentication Module Software Code NOW and be among the first to add HTML5 Web based Biometric Fingerprint Authentication Security Features to all your Web Browser Applications!
Do not wait to hear or see it on your Competitor‘s Applications, be among the first to grab and integrate it into your Web Applications and lead in your Market niche. Stay ahead of Competition and entice your Clients with the best HTML5 Web Browser based Biometric Fingerprint Authentication Solution that works seamlessly on ALL Modern Web Browsers.
Need help to integrate HTML5 Web Browser Fingerprint Authentication Module Software Code into your Web Application Project ?
Would you like to Learn more about HTML5 Web Browser Fingerprint Authentication Module?
Click on the E-mail below and shoot us an E-mail if you answer Yes to any of the above Questions. I will be glad to know about your Business Case, advise you and offer you Professional Help.

Some of the Clients who have Ordered and Integrated with Jomutech Systems’ Biometric PACKs
Check out this PHP Web Biometric Smart Card Integration that I recently Developed and implemented with PHP. See video DEMO here below.
Organisations / Companies can subscribe for a minimum 6 months renewable Developer and Integration Support package going for £ 15793 to integrate with this HTML5 Web Biometric Fingerprint Authentication Software module PACK. During the time your subscription is active, I will be available to Help you and assist you integrate with it.
This MODULE is ONLY offered as a sandwiched Package i.e. ( HTML5 WEB BIOMETRIC FINGERPRINT AUTHENTICATION MODULE SOFTWARE PACK + DEVELOPER AND INTEGRATION SUPPORT ) to prospective Organisations, Companies and our Esteemed Clients. I will be at your beck and call to Help you all thru during your active subscription period as it comes with Client Integration and Developer Support for integrating with it.

Why Jomutech Systems?

Want to consult with Joseph about Biometrics?